Saturday, November 7, 2009

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging ...Social Media Management for Business

Let's talk about social media use and why it is very important to have a strategy when dealing with Blogging, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter...

We've all heard that we should be using these tools to build out online presence, develop our brand and drive business to our website. And sometimes, it seems like business owners are jumping into "social" media and focusing a little too much on the chatty, social aspects of these mediums as opposed to using a smart marketing strategy to drive their messages.

Let’s face it, staying on top of social media accounts can be time consuming. This is a new frontier for many business owners who may not be aware of how to use these outlets most efficiently and effectively. Ask yourself: Are your postings driving customers to your site to find out more about your services? Are you posting to engage or educate? Are your postings telling a story about your business? Are you engaging your vendors, affiliate partners, network in the conversation?

We all want some of our personality to shine through, and this can be a way to engage potential customers, but don’t lose sight of the greater marketing opportunities available through social media. Use your postings as sales “touches” that educate your prospects and customers, and differentiate your business from your competitors.

And let’s not forget the power of using keywords in your updates to provide "find-ability" for the Search Engines. Marketing professionals know that this maximizes the value of your posts from a marketing and brand development perspective. Why waste your valuable time as a business owner on posting “Hey Dude” or blog posts that have nothing to do with your business?

So....the moral of the story is this: Don't fall in love with your words and ideas until you consider the target audience, the keywords customers use when searching for your business, what value offering you are talking about, and how a customer might interact with the posting. Don't guess!

You are a professional in your own field. If you find the idea of writing concise, targeted business pieces daunting, or don’t know the first thing about keyword research, consider hiring a professional company (like LuCorp Marketing) to help you develop or manage a strategy for social media. We have some great case studies that prove time and time again what a good strategic plan can do from increased click through rates, to vendor engagement success stories, to press coverage from blogs posted.

MY mission: To get businesses to THINK before they "speak" and get the most value out of social media.

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