Monday, September 28, 2009

Article about SEO Goals

Recently I read a great article, "Business Goals Determine SEO Targets" by Greg Newell from This article looks at predicting return on investment for SEO campaigns - the number one reason for SEO! It bears repeating this important information regarding targeting your revenue goals and addressing the purpose of an SEO campaign. I really liked this analysis:

HOW MANY CLIENTS DO YOU NEED? You should be able to state clearly your revenue targets and the average annual value a client brings to your business. If you know that, then simple division will tell you how many new clients you need. You should also have a "gut feel" for how many of a hundred people on your website turn into clients. So with that, you should be able to determine how many visitors you need to generate to your site to develop those clients.

The number of visitors required is equal to the number of clicks that are required. The purpose of a good SEO campaign is to increase the number of visitors who are searching for your products and services. Successful SEO creates enough impressions on the search engine results pages (SERPS) to deliver enough visitors to meet the revenue targets.

Getting on the first page of the SERPS generates an impression, or a chance that the visitor will click on your site. Since very few people advance beyond the first page of results, a conservative SEO specialist considers the first page of the SERPS the ONLY place to be and of course number one is best if you can get it.

AOL published information showing that first place in the search results gets almost half of the organic clicks. Second gets 10-15%. Third gets 5-10%. The remaining scrounge around 3-6% but at least they made it to the party. Conservatively, you can estimate that with a well executed SEO campaign, that you will get 5-10% (we'll use 7%) of the search volume. Predictably, you'll be somewhere on the first page of the SERPS. So, if you need 100 visitors, then you need impression in 100/.07 (1,428) total searches.

Once you've established your total search volume to optimize for, you then move into keyword selection. The best is to select a variety of keywords rather than the most popular terms. Remember this: Most of the time it’s easier to rank for many low volume keywords than a single high volume one that equals the same number of searches. Further, lower volume keywords are usually more relevant and more specific to the needs of the visitor. Ultimately, they convert better. You'll also discover that once you know your total search volume requirements, your keywords collectively will meet the search volume requirements without extending into a range that's impossible to optimize for. You can develop a much more practical approach to your SEO campaign.

At LuCorp Marketing we are continually assessing our clients ROI for keywords and target SEO campaigns for that purpose.

Monday, September 21, 2009